Genuine Repentance
Repentance is a gift from God. Satan didn’t have such luxury. Satan’s destiny is to be thrown into the Abyss, the Lake of fire for all of eternity. Even though, we followed the voice of Satan, beginning of Adam right down the ages, God has given humanity the greatest gift: the gift of repentance. He practices divine patience for those whom he has created in his image. We are image-bearers and when Satan saw what God had done, it was infuriated that God would create creatures who would literally reflect His glory. Since then, Satan has been raging against humanity. He uses deceptive lies, half-truths, guilt, shame and accusations among many things in this toolbox to deviate us from the truth that can save us. He wants us to keep us bound. His job description is to murder, rob and destroy us. He is called the “god of this age” (2 Cor. 4:4). He is called the Accuser of the Brethren, accusing the saints and unbelievers day and night. Majority of the world, including Christians are blinded under his deceptive spell, only to have those deceived wake up in Hell and realize they had been deceived during their years on earth.
The Hebrew word for repent simply means to turn. The Greek word for repent simply means to change one’s mind. When Jesus came out in the wilderness preaching, “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand,” it was a call to switch sides. It was a call to exercise one’s mind to change fathers - to break free from the clutches of the father of lies and come under the covering of the Father in heaven. It was a call to leave the Kingdom of Darkness and be transferred into the Kingdom of God’s Son in whom we have redemption and the forgiveness of sins. It was a call to think differently about God and sin - to realize that we are much more worse than we ever thought and God is much better than we ever dared dreamed. It was a call unto changing our speech into what glorifies God. It was a call to change one’s mind concerning our mission in life — that the purpose of our existence wasn’t to be comfortable in this life, but to live a life of saving souls. It is the opportunity to accept God’s truth that the world is not our home. It’s the realization that Satan has been after our souls and all the billions of people on the earth are being held captive by his deception.
Repentance is different from remorse. Remorse is feeling sorry, but not truly desiring to change. Repentance means forsaking sin. Many Christians can fall into the trap of going through the motions of going to church, praying eloquent prayers, looking “Christian” and living a from of godliness, but they’ve never forsaking their demons. Many Christians simply keep their demons at bay rather than banishing them with our God given authority and power.